High Precise Rotation Stage

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High Speed Rotation Stage


As the request to the precise alignment stages are increasing year by year, the new goniometer has been developed by our factory. Usually, for high speed and low eccentricity rotation stage, air bearing type goniometer is used to achieve high performance. Now we have succeeded to develop mechanical direct drive type goniometer without any sacrifice of precision.(QKSU-XZ)

High Precision Rotation Stage


The eccentricity measurement does not come from only factory's data, but also it is ensured by customers with less than 1μm.It is recommended to use a special XZ stages for the sample centering. (QKSU-XZ)

High Precision Rotation Stage


This device is primarily used for X-ray CT.Therefore, we have an eccentricity less than 1μm.

High Precision Rotation Stage


This device is primarily used for X-ray CT.Therefore, we have the following rotation accuracy 1μm.

High Precision Rotation Stage


This stage is used for X-ray laminography. Which is inclined X-ray CT. The eccentricity keeps to be less than 1μm even in the inclined geometry.

High Speed / Precision Spinner


It is developed as a high speed spinner having within 1 micron eccentricity. It is useful not only for putting a sample, but also putting an optical component.

High Precision Rotation Unit for High Speed CT experiments


This unit is developed for high speed CT experiments . The maximum rotation speed 5 rps with less than 1 um eccentricity is available.

High Precise Rotation